Next to politics Annemarie Walter is interested in Anabaptist history and religion. Throughout the years she has frequently visited the United States and she has made friends among various Anabaptist groups (e.g. Dunkard Brethren and Horning Mennonite). Annemarie Walter has written about some of her experiences in national newspapers.
Next to politics Annemarie Walter is interested in Anabaptist history and religion. Throughout the years she has frequently visited the United States and she has made friends among various Anabaptist groups (e.g. Dunkard Brethren and Horning Mennonite). Annemarie Walter has written about some of her experiences in national newspapers.
- Walter, Annemarie (2012) Radio, televisie en internet verboden, Reformatorisch Dagblad, 25 juli 2012, p. 2
- Walter, Annemarie (2012) Horningmennonieten willen anders zijn dan de wereld, Reformatorisch Dagblad, 24 juli 2012, p. 2
- Walter, Annemarie (2009) Leven aan de rand van de wereld, Nederlands Dagblad, 20 augustus 2009, p. 2
- Walter, Annemarie (2009) Geroezemoes over de lintenkwestie, Nederlands Dagblad, 17 augustus 2009, p. 2
- Walter, Annemarie (2009) Met spoed en spanning op zoek naar de ware, Nederlands Dagblad, 13 augustus 2009, p. 2
Sherwood Hall
Since September 2014 Annemarie Walter lives as a resident tutor in Sherwood Hall. Sherwood Hall is a mixed undergraduate hall of residence. It provides for about 260 students accommodation. The hall is named after Sherwood Forest. As of 2006 the warden is Dr. Antonino La Rocca. By living as a resident tutor in Sherwood Hall she hopes to get a better understanding of British student life and have a positive influence on the lives of students beyond the classroom. |
Indo-Dutch Cuisine
From her father originating from the Dutch East-Indies Annemarie inherited a love for food. She embarked on a race to master the basics of the Indo-Dutch Cuisine in a couple of months before moving to the UK. Since then she has a passion for cooking and she loves sharing the Indo-Dutch Cuisine with the people that she encounters. |