Invited Media Appearances & Talks
National Television
- NOS op drie, 30 August 2012 (item on negative campaigning starts at 3:30)
- Eenvandaag, Nederlandse verkiezingscampagnes worden ze 'dirty'?, 4 June 2012
(Inter)national and Regional Radio
National and Regional Newspapers
Online News
- BBC Nottingham, Breakfast Segment, 2 June 2017
- Radio 5, EO Door de Week, 14 April 2014
- ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Mittagsjournal, 6 September 2012
- NOS Radio 1 Journaal, 31 August 2012
- Radio 5, Hoe? Zo!, Wetenschap 24, 8 May 2012
- BNR Nieuwsradio, May 2012
- Amsterdam FM, Hoe vies zijn verkiezingscampagnes?, 8 May 2012
- FunX, 3 September 2012
National and Regional Newspapers
- Het keepersgeluk van een premier, voor Rutte is Wilders de ideale tegenstander in deze campagne, 15 March 2021
- Voor Rutte is Wilders de ideale tegenstander in deze laatste fase van de campagne, NRC, 13 March 2021
- Lijsttrekkers uitgerust en getraind naar het debat, Trouw, 26 February 2021
- De SP neemt 'groot risico' met harde Amerikaanse campagnestijl, Trouw, 9 May 2019
- Negatieve campagne helpt de kiezer verder, De Nieuwe Koers, 8 March 2017
- Negatieve campagne kan werken, Spits, 12 September 2012
- Vroeger waren de campagnes veel grover, Co Welgrave, Trouw, 7 September 2012, p. 2 De Verdieping
- Snufje MTV doet wonderen, Saskia Naafs, 1 September 2012, Het Parool, p. 11
- Verkiezingsposters plakken blijft populair, Nederlands Dagblad, 11 September 2012
- Verkiezingscampagnes worden niet negatiever, Nederlands Dagblad, 8 May 2012
- Negatieve toon campagnes bij verkiezingen valt mee, Nederlands Dagblad, 5 May 2012
- Campagnes niet negatiever geworden, Frits Bloemendaal, Dagblad van het Noorden, 8 May 2012, p. 4
- Toon harder maar wel beleefd, Frits Bloemendaal, Brabants Dagblad, 5 May 2012 (and all other GDP newspapers that day)
- CU mist stem van oudere, lager opgeleide man, Nederlands Dagblad, 19 December 2012
- Pim in inkt van gif, Mare, 30, 10 May 2007
- Fortuyn ook in prent niet gedemoniseerd, Nederlands Dagblad, 20 January 2006
Online News
- Dit is wat je als stemmer aan het RTL verkiezingsdebat hebt (en wat niet), RTL Nieuws, 28 February 2021
- What turned the tone of British Politics from civil to bitter?, The Christian Science Monitor, 25 November 2019
- 'Hans Brusselmans' en de 'zomerkamergeleerde' trekken ze meer kiezers?, NOS, 15 May 2019
- For Americans Partisanship Trumps Values, Pacific Standard, 10 April 2019
- Partisanship over moral values, UDaily, 18 March 2019
- Het is de campagne van de debatrelletjes, Maar waarom?,, 25 February 2017
- Wilders nebude v Holandsku alternatívou,, 9 March 2017
- Wint Rutte kiezers over de rug van anderen?, AD, 22 November 2016
- Gaan de verkiezingen in Nederland net zo ongezellig worden als in Amerika?, VICE, 31 October 2016
- High Level of Smear Campaigns in America, The Daily Evergreen, 19 October 2016
- Primaries: de kandidaten en hun campagnefilmpjes, NOS op 3, 1 February 2016
- Kapotmaken kan een kunst zijn, De Nieuwe Reporter, 31 October 2012
- Jaren 70 herleven tijdens deze campagne, Hofvijver, 24 September 2012
- Negatieve campagnevoering is in Nederland nauwelijks aan de orde, Parlement & Politiek, 11 May 2012
- Nederlands moddergooien valt mee, ScienceGuide, 9 May 2012
- Geen toename negatieve campagnevoering in Nederland, Folia, 4 May 2012
- 'Geen toename negatieve campagnevoering in Nederland', CommunicatieOnline, 27 April 2012
- Pim in Prenten, Hofvijver, 23 April 2012
- Pim niet gedemoniseerd, Historisch Nieuwsblad, 1 July 2009
- Conspiracy Theories and Democracy, City Politics Broadcast, City University London, Episode 11, 12 April 2021
- Wat (te) doen (in) televisiedebatten?, Episode 4 Het Spel en de Macht, Centre of Dutch Politics and Governance, CNPB, 16 March 2021
- Stemmen #4: Waarom debatten, stemhulpen en peilingen de zwevende kiezer nauwelijks helpen, Stuk Rood Vlees Podcast, 9 March 2021
- Barstjes bij Rutte en Wilders komt weg met Zwarte Piet, De Nabeschouwing, Podcast ProDemos, Stemwijzer and HP/De Tijd, 28 February 2021
- Conspiracy Theories Everywhere, Dilemma- A Philosophy Podcast Series by Jay Shapiro, Season 2 Episode 20, 22 February 2021
Invited Expert Appearances
- Campaigning Laid Bare: New Research on the Nature and Impact of Negative Campaigning, PSA non- academic event, Institute of Government, London, 24 October 2017
- Workshop 'Slecht nieuws', Communicatiedag Gemeente Amsterdam, theme Stadsverkiezingen 2020, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, 9 March 2017 (Bad news, 2020 city elections, Amsterdam city council)
- Roundtable: Verdeelde Politiek? Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 2017, Centre for the Study of Political Parties and Representation, Leiden, 8 March 2017 (Divided Politics?, 2017 Parliamentary Election)
- De Factor Journalistiek, Tertium, Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam, 20 February 2017 (How should election campaigns be reported?)
- Pint of Science Festival, Canal House, Nottingham, 24 May 2016 (Negative Campaigning Does it Help or Does it Hurt?)
- The First European Presidential Debate, an event organised by ACCESS EUROPE and Machiavelli, Amsterdamse Academische Club, 28 April 2014
- U.S. Election Night, Groninger Forum, 6 November 2012
- UVA and Rode Hoed Dutch Election Night, De Rode Hoed, Amsterdam, 12 September 2012
- Nu volgt een programma in de Zendtijd voor politieke partijen (50 Year Anniversary Dutch Party Election Broadcasts), De Balie in Amsterdam, 9 September 2012
- Politieke Junkies (Monthly theatre show about current events in politics), De Balie in Amsterdam, 31 August 2012
- Rotterdam Social Sciences Student Association Cedo Nulli, Rotterdam, 5 September 2012
Invited Academic Talks
- Voters’ Partisan Responses to Politicians’ Immoral Behaviour, KoMePol Seminar, University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau, 19 June 2018
- The Effects of Negative Campaigning in the UK (in collaboration with Professor Cees van der Eijk), REPRESENT seminar series, Research Centre for the Study of Parties and Democracy, Birmingham, 29 januari 2018
- Negative Campaigning and its Consequences, Elections GO! Scientific Workshop, Dublin, 11 December 2017
- Negative Campaigning in the UK, Departmental Seminar, Negative Campaigning in the UK, Department of Politics & Public Policy, De Montfort University, 31 May 2017
- Voters’ Emotional Response to Negative Campaign Messages: The Role of Incivility, Department of Government, University of Vienna, 27 March 2017
- Negative Campaigning, Political Incivility and Moral Values, Research Colloquium, Department of Sociology, University of Groningen, 22 March 2017
- The Effectiveness of Negative Campaigning in a Multiparty System, Research Colloquium, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Delaware, 30 November 2016
- Negative Campaigning in a Multiparty System: The Dutch Case, Elections After the Great Recession; the political centre in retreat, Irish Research Council, Dublin, 18 November 2016
- Negative Campaign Advertising in the US and Beyond, Coffee & Politics Series, Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service, Washington State University, 18 October 2016
- The Effectiveness of Negative Campaigning in a Multiparty System, Emerging Trends Series and the Center for the Experimental Study of Politics and Psychology (CESPP), Rutgers University New Brunswick, 29 September 2016
- Negative Campaigning in Western Europe, Departmental Seminar, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 4 December 2013
- Negative Campaigning in Western Europe, postgraduate course Core Themes in Public Administration and Political Science and the PhD experience of Dr. Arco Timmermans and Dr. Gerard Breeman, Netherlands Institute of Government, Utrecht, 19 November 2013
- Targeting the Enemy, undergraduate course American Politics & Society and the Elections of 2012 of Dr. Annelien de Dijn, Political Science, University of Amsterdam, 15 October 2012
- Negative Campaigning in Western Europe, graduate course Cyberspace, new generations and new forms of political engagement of Dr. Laura Sudulich, Political Science, University of Amsterdam, 12 March 2010
- Negative Campaigning in Western Europe, graduate course Behind the campaign: Spin-doctors, politics and the media of dr. Matthijs Elenbaas, Communication Science, University of Amsterdam, 5 March 2010
- Negative Campaigning in the Netherlands, graduate course Heden en Verleden Geert Wilders of Prof. dr. Meindert Fennema, Political Science, University of Amsterdam, 23 February 2010
- Negative Campaigning in Western Europe, undergraduate course Political Marketing of Dr. Peter van Aelst, Political Science, Leiden University, May 2009